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Define clean? Monica clean or Rachel clean or Joey clean

I bought some sweet and asked for spoon. The shop keeper got tiny spoons – wooden ones like ice cream sticks (popsicle sticks) – and came back took a white cotton towel and properly wiped the spoons with it.

By now if you are wondering why I am mentioning this, wait for it!!

Did I mention it was white towel? Nope! That was just a wild guess. It was covered in black soot like dirt – probably because it was used to wipe the counters, chairs, entire shop and to be more accurate, I am pretty sure the shop floor.

I was speechless, I am sure my mouth was wide open in apparent shock and I just couldn’t form words.

Shopkeeper continued to wipe the spoon very thoroughly, gave it a visual inspection, nodded his approval and certified it is clean and gave the spoon to me. I thanked the stars that it was a to-go type snack shop – made sure not to touch the spoon – somehow dragged it to my bag and came home and dropped it in kitchen counter.

I still don’t have guts to touch it!!!! Googling for hazmat suit now!

Does this ring a bell? Yes it did for me too!

I am almost sure I just met the doppelgänger of hog’s head’s bartender.