Hey you! Yes, you there!! Thanks for visiting my site…
There are always multiple ways to do things. I am here to share some of the tips I have learnt in the hopes it helps someone, plus something for me to refer back to!
I am a newborn setting up my way through the site… I started with adding posts about pumping journey since it was hard to find this information. Since then, my heart is set on raising awareness about respectful parenting. It does not make sense to me that there is wealth of information out there and we still have a hard time navigating the challenges of parenting – sometimes alone.
Hope you can sip your coffee and read and relax before heading into the busy life…
Couple of other things before you go
Why this blog?
- I am getting to know some amazing tips to navigate life and it is just downright self-fish to keep them to myself – it is just not fair to watch someone suffer, when there are super easy tools abundantly available.
- The world is definitely at a much better place with respect to acceptance, but there is still lot of room for improvement – especially in embracing differences and treating each other with respect.
- Plus I can shut my mouth and avoid being unsolicited adviser in real life 🙂 at least I try!
Are these well researched or expert opinions
- Well, these are google-(re)searched opinions and other sources like YT, forums, books, blogs etc.. And they helped me immensely.
- I am not an expert or an professional – just another human who is going through something, finding answers and sharing them and my experiences here.
- Read them up but anytime you have questions and lingering doubts or if it is right for you and your family, consult with a professional – it could be your doctor, lactation consultant, gynecologist, therapist, pediatrician, teacher, lawyer, etc.
What is your source of your content? How do you find them?
- Content Source: My experiences
- Refer above question, in the current digital world, there is so much information lying out there
- When I am in trouble or stuck somewhere (literally stuck sometimes), I google or ask about it and get answers. However answers don’t always click or stick. I struggle multiple times, and when it finally clicks, it is Eureka moment! and sometimes have an epiphany moment!
- More specifics:
- Understanding toddlers – Montessori and Respectful parenting sources. There are amazing books, but I have not been able to get past a chapter so far. Will put a list sometime.
- Weaning Journey – Traditional weaning sources and google.
- Pumping – mostly google and youtube.
How/When do you have time for this?
- Saturday afternoon or night- this is the slot I have all the time to myself and race to the laptop to pour my thoughts
- PS: this was pre-covid and during covid, it was a rollercoaster ride. I had a long pause and frequent breaks but itching to find time to empty my mind here.
Shouldn’t you do other things at this time?
- Yes the guilt!
- For several months and years, I kept this blog private. I was guilty all the time about writing, while I could be doing zillion other things.
- Weird thing was, it takes me 10 mins to write a single post – words just pour out and yet, the following continued to bother me:
- Shouldn’t I do something special for my kid and my family? or help family/friends with something? Shouldn’t I learn something new technology or ramp-up? a new language? How about that clutter – when are you going to tackle it? or finish some backlog so next week is smooth!? or cook some delicacies? or complete errands? and so on
- Let us just say this! Do you have days where you say “I am just waiting for that drink!” or “I cannot wait for the movie night!” or “I just want to cuddle up and read that book – alone!” or “I cannot wait to meet up with a buddy and have a drink or pour my mind” etc.
This is my drink, my movie night, my favorite book, my buddy –
In short, this is my outlet and my mind cannot survive without this – went overboard, huh? yes, but it is the truth! At least, that is the phase I am in now, so Go away, guilt monster, go on, find something else! - Maybe you should try journalling too. According to this research, it does help bring create an order amidst chaos.
- If journalling overwhelms you, try any other self-care activity – all you need is at-least 10 mins per week.