Book Name 1: How to Code a Rollercoaster by Josh Funk and Sara Palacios
Book Name 2: Invent-a-Pet – by Vicky Fang and Tidawan Thaipinnarong | Jun 2, 2020
Why I love these books: These two books could totally make you geek out and have so much fun. Both of these books introduce analytical or logical thinking in a fun way.
How to code a rollercoaster – the location of this story is setup in kids favorite place in the world, so kids can easily connect with this book
The Invent-a-Pet – is colorful and has fun but also has a hidden message about life. Come back and comment here if you got that, it is kind of cryptically hidden like in sixth sense movie, might take couple of reads to catch that.
Age group: Can start with toddlers once they can sit through short textual books as opposed to picture books or less textual baby books. Verbal kiddos may engage better. Follow your child’s lead.
follow-up activities: You can plug-in in your day-to-day life activities. E.g. while waiting in a queue, relay like a loudspeaker in train station -> just 2 more and we are next. Just 1 more and we are next. This can keep your child engaged while waiting in a queue for 5 mins which is million years in toddlers timeline.
Like noted before, our normal life is full of learning for little ones to absorb as sponges. They don’t need to sit and read through text books when they littles to learn.
Other notes: Not Montessori, You can always start by saying, this is fictional story and not real.
Warning: You may or may not be attacked by social media for starting coding at young age, although that is totally not what these books are about. 😀
Million disclaimers in previous post. #highlightreel #shoppingaddiction #mKidsBookList