Psst. Read disclaimer.
It does not matter what time I enter a person house. It could even be 1 am at midnight and the conversation will still go like this.
Host H : hey M, would you like coffee or tea?
M (slightly Alarmed): no, it is okay, it is very late, I do not want anything, Just water is fine.
H: Why why? come on, which one do you like? tell me.
M: err. it is okay, it is too late now, if I drink coffee or tea, i will be up all night – today and TOMORROW!!!
H: Ah come on! you will be fine. I make great tea / coffee, if you taste it, you will never say no again.
Proceeds to make a big pot of coffee, finds the biggest cup or tumbler and brings back a liter of coffee just for me, filled with lots of love, that is!
M: you know, I will take just a little bit, a sip is fine, please?
H: oh come on, do not waste this, it is fine, just go on, drink it.
M after drinking – stays awake for rest of the week nights. OR
Be a super rude guest by refusing everything offered
What is it with the hosts forcing people to have some drink and some snacks at every single visit? Why are hosts so obligated to make sure to widen the tummy of all the guests and pour a big can of food, drink and snacks down that tummy?
Why people why? why would you do something like that?
If an adult like me is constantly forced into having that coffee imagine how much we are forcing our kids to eat or do what we want!! And we do not even realize what we are doing and assume we are doing what is best for our kids and our guests.
I do not know who created this goddamn rule that every human should be fed until they can no longer breathe or sleep, but can we please stop shoving food down guests throat (and ahem!, your kids throat)?
Moms & caregivers! please, I cannot trace back to who created this obligation that our main goal & purpose in life is to fill all the tummies that you meet with the yummiest food and that we have to shed happy tears when our kids eat and our life is fulfilled only when our kids eat. I cannot find the source of truth for this unwritten rule, but can we please move away from this! Pretty please?
And YOU!!!, Yes! YOU! the super shy guest!! the super shy guilty guest!!!
Just man up or woman up and ask for and get/eat the extra food if you are hungry (instead of saying no first and still giving a longing look at the food). Say ‘Yes’ when you need to and say ‘No’ when you don’t. It is that simple!!
It is because of folks like you that people end up forcing others to eat beyond their capacity!
and folks like me earn a bad host name for being matured enough to trust your initial response and not force feed you and then get blamed for it.
Big disclaimer:
If you have met me and if this sounds like you, please don’t think so. This is not about you. I swear. This is about every single host I have ever met, ever. Every. Single. One. Not just about you! 😅
Extra PS: Potayo or potahto, Tomato or tomahto, Kids or guests – Posts intent is the same.